Welcome to Danny's World

Aspiring Developer | Star Wars Aficionado | Family Man

About Me

I'm a passionate QA software engineer transitioning into the world of development, with a special love for .NET and all things tech. Born and raised in the Czech Republic, I dream of innovating in the field of software development.

My Journey

Starting as a QA engineer gave me a solid foundation in understanding software from a quality perspective. Now, I'm on a path to mastering .NET, eager to build solutions that impact lives positively.

Star Wars Moments

My fascination with Star Wars goes beyond the movies. It's the lore, the character development, and the timeless battle between good and evil that captivate me. Highlights include Luke's journey, the complexity of Anakin's turn to Darth Vader, and the resilience of the Rebellion.

My Interests

Star Wars Logo

The Star Wars Universe

Programming Logo

Software Development

Family Logo

Family Life

Family Life

My journey is shared with my wonderful wife, our two inspiring children, and two energetic dogs. They bring joy, laughter, and endless energy to my life, balancing my professional aspirations with the warmth of family life.